End vision-ing -- Wood Floor Protection. Start here, with the No, Not One Pledge to protect your wood floor investment.
Clarity comes when you start with this pledge. You eliminate the noise of the flooring salesmen. You save:
You're a DIY'er looking for information? Start with The Pledge.
You're a shopper looking for flooring? Start with The Pledge.
Looking for finish? Start with The Pledge.
Need a Floorwright or want to become one? Start with The Pledge. How do architects, designers, manufacturers, distributors, realtors, cleaning people, condominium associations, plumbers, electricians, appliance store owners, HVAC pros, window and door pros, insurance actuaries and agents enjoy the benefits of becoming an affiliated professional of The Wood Floor Conservancy? Take the Pledge! (It only costs not to...)
Protect your wallet, not to mention, the environment.
Spend your dollar once and please consider spending it with a participating supplier or tradesman of
The Wood Floor Conservancy.
ShadeMakers and Floorwrights pay it forward, with land stewardship and servant leadership, respectively
That's how I, the Director, want to protect wood floors, ultimately.
If we always have trees...
If we always have talent...
If we always have testing...
We will always have wood floors. Wood floors forever.
Return to Trees, Tradesmen, Testing from Wood Floor Protection
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