by Eric Z.
(Elkhart, IN, USA)
Two Different Face Widths
Reclaimed flooring for sale. Oak tongue and groove from a 1920's house.
Director's Note
Thank you, Eric. This is going to make not only a beautiful floor, but also a durable one.
I am referring to those board ends in the photo that clearly show almost a full 1/4" of wood above the joinery.
What's not so clear from the photos is the species of that wider material. From here, my guess would be that it is fir or pine.
That makes sense given the vintage. It was very common for a builder to put the hardwood in the common areas, for nice,
and the softwood everywhere else for utility--basically, what we would call subflooring, today.
I certainly hope someone in your area can connect with you, take a look, and make good use of both widths.
Folks, you just can't get 10 foot boards in this material, anymore!
Here's to a long second life for this flooring!
Jerry Adamsson
Journeyman Floorwright