Best Wood Floor Vacuum Cleaner

Proteam Backpack Vac 1

The best wood floor vacuum cleaner doesn't even touch the floor.  I meet a lot of heartache out there, and not just a homeowner's.

My sympathies, for example, to the poor cleaning lady who meant well by giving a 2000 square foot Maple floor

the once over with an electric broom. Big, blonde floor 

"just a quick tidy before I go," and suddenly black skid marks across the entire acreage.

And a law suit.  That's why I am biased. In my estimation, the best wood floor vacuum doesn't even touch the floor.

bristle and felt

Or, I should say, only the wand should touch the floor, if at all possible.

And even then, only wands with a very soft bristle or felt attachment.  NO BLACK PLASTIC!

When using a best wood floor vacuum cleaner,

NO BLACK PLASTIC EVER TOUCHES THE FLOOR! Not attachments, not hoses, not wheels.  

The cleaning lady in the story above agrees:  Stick to gray or white, and the softer the plastic the better.

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As I send you shopping for a vacuum, remember that big blonde floor and
Look for the following:

1. Suction

Look for these numbers as you shop:

CFM - Cubic Feet/Minute. It is to vacuums what voltage is to electricity-- a rate of flow. Look for at least 120 CFM.

WATERLIFT - Now this is to vacuums what amperage is to electricity-- a measure of power. Look for right around 90 inches of waterlift, minimum.

AIR WATTS is a useful rating that was born because CFM measurements are made in an open system, obviously,

while WATERLIFT is measured in a system that is closed.

(Literally, one end of a pipe is placed in a bucket of water, a vacuum is attached to the other, and waterlift is the distance the water travels up the pipe.)

In the real world, air flow and suction are inversely related, so a real-world standardized equation was established. 

CFM x Waterlift / 8.5 = Air Watts

as air passes through a given opening in a vacuum system of 7/8".

Did you get that? Air watts is not just math, it's a controlled measurement requiring proper test methodology.

The result is a useful comparative number, especially when shopping central vacuum systems

simply because it takes into consideration the variables of longer air runs and smaller orifices.

(This will be your actual attachent: 5/8" for carpet heads, 1" for hard surface attachments.)

2. Safety

I love my backpack vacs, but certainly wouldn't recommend a backpack vac to someone with a cane, for example.

Pay attention to the girth of what you're getting. Size and weight.

Allergy issues in home?

Your new vacuum may also have to be HEPA. High Efficiency Particulate Air filters remove 99.97% of airborne particles, 0.3 micrometers in diameter.

The sales literature will make a big deal of a HEPA filtration feature.

Just as clear, but often avoided, are the instructions on how to keep it that way.

It won't be a HEPA without proper maintenance. 

3. Simplicity

Easy to Store

I am very serious when I say

if running stairs to get the vacuum is a problem, (and you don't have a central vacuum system,)

then get a vacuum for each level of your home.

(My backpack vacs hang on hooks and the attachments stay on the belt!)

This homeowner owns a nifty caddy for the central vac hose and attachments. Notice the hose sock?

Easy to Empty

Also, consider capacity. A full vacuum won't perform, of course, and may even leave the room dirtier.

Plus, you may avoid the vacuum, altogether, if the thought of going outside to shake the filter seems like too big a pain. 

4. Silence

Or quiet as can be. Compare decibel ratings. If you live in community, check with your association's guidelines.

Consider your pet's response or your napping child's.

Just like dreading emptying the vacuum, dreading the noise may deter you from doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

So have a care, because owning the best wood floor vacuum cleaner doesn't protect your wood floors...

5. Service-ability

What good is a broken vacuum?

Yes, you are going to buy a NEW vacuum and, yes, you are going to pay more for a bigger name brand.

But with that comes availability of parts and service.

AND SAVINGS OVER TIME. Buying the best wood floor vacuum cleaner is just like buying the best wood flooring... you buy them once.

You keep them because YOU CAN!

Back Pack Vacs

Nothing beats a backpack vac, in my book. Pro-Team is my favorite and strongest recommendation as a best wood floor vacuum cleaner.

Bought my first one, a SuperCoach, in 1998 and another one in 2000, (not because the first one wore out, either.)

I still have both and their motors are just as powerful as when they were new.

With the right attachments on my belt, I can knock down a whole dining room, let's say,

floor to ceiling, window sills, drapes, door frames, light fixtures in less than 10 minutes AND do the floors!

Don't believe me? This video illustrates the point.

If you come to agree that the best wood floor vacuum cleaner for you is a backpack, the hardest part will be remembering you have something hanging from your posterior.

No doubt, at first, you will swipe something while turning.

But oh, the ease AND the suction. If I had to pick a best wood floor vacuum cleaner, it would be one of the Proteam Backpack Vacs, above.

Central Vacuum Systems (CVS)

Shoppers and Existing Owners

Whether you are a first-time shopper, or you inherited a CVS when you bought the house, or you are a lifetime owner, this is critical.

Your system will ingest a sock sometime. Your power unit needs relief when that happens. It has to get air, plenty of air, from somewhere, else.

This simple design feature, which works with any system, will protect the most expensive and integral part of your CVS, the power unit.

It's my strong recommendation if not already in your system or plans.

It's too late, you say? Then, here's a short buyer's guide for a replacement power unit. Add these to the5 S's .

First, determine whether your system requires 110V or 220V. Check the specifications for the new unit, (as well as the unit, itself,) carefully.

(If you clean less than 6000 square feet, it's probably a 110V system.)

And last, measure. How big is too big for the power unit mounting space, AND measure your square footage.

You never want to assume that the old unit was spec-ed properly for the demand. It may have underperformed because it simply was designed for a smaller space.

Many, not all, CVS units are similar simply because they are Electrolux-made and private labeled.

Such brands as Honeywell, Eureka, Beam are very likely private-labeled Electrolux units made in Iowa.

Another strong possibility is you own a Broan-Nutone, which marketed builders heavily through the roaring 90's.

Your Power Unit is Strong...
( but smell isn't everything.)

Just like floor cleaners, there are a lot of perfectly good products on the market for cleaning and freshening your CVS pipelines.

This is one of them and worth throwing in the cart if you are an Amazon shopper.

And I want to learn and share.

If a central vac is your best wood floor vacuum cleaner and you have a helpful hint for keeping it fresh and running its best

drop me a line! 

And by all means, don't get hosed.

No black hoses, remember? That doesn't mean you need a new hose, just one of these.

Even gray and white hoses will be hard on your door trim and cabinets

as you pull it around the corners,

so this helpful accessory seems to me to be a must.

Installing a New CVS System

You are convinced the best wood floor vacuum cleaner for you is a central vacuum system. Furthermore, you intend to install it yourself.

Of course, retro-fitting a system to an existing house presents challenges unique from a new construction install.

Without thorough planning, you won't have a best wood floor vacuum cleaner, just a lot of expense trying.

Here, again, if you have a helpful DIY tip I will pass it along to all the readers.  

Just let me know. 

Canisters, Uprights, Electric Brooms

Haven't mentioned them, have I.

That's because the best wood floor vacuum cleaner, in my estimation, does not touch the floor, remember?

Keywords: "in my estimation."

You may disagree.

For you and your home, the best wood floor vacuum cleaner just may be a canister or electric broom.

An upright? Outright crazy, not gonna happen, but there I go again.

Folks, this will have to be your part of the page to write. I am biased, yes, but I AM teachable, I'd like to think.


Found a canister or electric broom
YOUR best wood floor vacuum cleaner?

I am all ears and so is the rest of The Wood Floor Conservancy readership. Believe me. In your review please address how your vacuum meets 
The Five S's criteria:

1. Suction
2. Safety
3. Simplicity- easy storage, easy emptying
4. Silence
5. Service-ability

Found a canister or electric broom
YOUR best wood floor vacuum cleaner?

I am all ears and so is the rest of The Wood Floor Conservancy readership. Believe me. In your review please address how your vacuum meets
The Five S's criteria:

1. Suction
2. Safety
3. Simplicity- easy storage, easy emptying
4. Silence
5. Service-ability

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